Water specialists from Slovakia visit GEH Wasserchemie

Late September 2019, we had the pleasure of welcoming some special guests to our production site in Osnabrück: Headed by Prof. Danka Barloková, who chairs the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 28 engineers from water treatment planning offices and equipment manufacturers paid our company a visit.
Our contact to Prof. Barloková goes back many years, including, for example, her research work into the removal of antimony from water using GEH. So, it was all the more pleasing to be able to welcome her here in Osnabrück.
To provide a hands-on experience of how our products are used, we first took a tour of the Eversburg sewage treatment plant owned by the Osnabrück department of public works. The plant not only treats the city’s wastewater but also the seepage water from a landfill which is contaminated with a variety of organic pollutants as well as arsenic. Our first port of call was the biological pre-treatment system where the organic load contained in the wastewater is removed. The water is then treated by two adsorbers connected in parallel, which remove the dissolved arsenic with the aid of some 4,000 kg of GEH before the water can be further treated together with the city’s wastewater.
After treating our guests to some waffles and a variety of coffees, we then showed them the production operations at GEH Wasserchemie and explained what effect our products have. The discussion that followed concerned plants already operating in Slovakia and its neigbouring countries as well as new areas of application, such as the removal of vanadium during the production of drinking water and the removal of phosphate from various types of wastewater.